
Give a Little, Help a Lot!

Giving tomorrow’s leaders the resources they need to succeed.

Bulloch Academy is so thankful for the support of the BA family! To our parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, and staff: Your generous donations help to ensure that our students have available to them all the resources they need to accomplish their goals and thrive at BA! For more information on how you can support Bulloch Academy and our students, please contact Anne Williamson at [email protected].





Green and Gold Gala

The Green and Gold Gala is Bulloch Academy's largest fundraiser, attracting 300 parents, grandparents, and community business leaders.

BA Parents and Teachers Association

With your support, the Bulloch Academy PTA has been able to purchase a variety of items for our school. These items are not covered by tuition, but add value to the education of our children!

Cornerstone Campaign

The Cornerstone Campaign is a strategic, 30-year plan approved by the school's board, which is intended to completely remake the campus and almost double the student capacity.

Annual Giving

In the past, contributions to the Annual Giving Campaign have been used to buy new technology for our classrooms, instruments for our Fine Arts department, and complete our lower school playground.

Booster Giving

Provide an opportunity for our student-athletes to represent Bulloch Academy competitively at all GISA events and excel as individuals both on and off the field or court.